Coaching, encouraging and equipping marriages since 1983
As marriage coaches, award winning authors, radio co-hosts and international speakers, we have come alongside families worldwide. We are eternally grateful for the work God has done in our marriage and family, our life long message of hope and all of you who have stood with us in support of strengthening Christian marriages and families.
1973: a blind date at Drake University.
1975: our wedding.
2021: 2 daughters, 12 grandchildren, 2 great son-in-laws!
We blinked and here we are!
The first time I saw Barb she knocked my socks off and after 46 years of marriage my heart still skips a beat when she walks into the room. Barb’s beauty caught (and still does) my immediate attention. But she was different than any other girl I had dated in college and I soon learned why …

our ministry legacy
Dr. Gary and Barb Rosberg are co-founders of the international ministry America's Family Coaches, respected marriage conference speakers, executive life and marriage coaches, award-winning authors and radio hosts.
Ministry Future Ambassadors
Dr. Gary and Barb continue to serve you through both podcasts as well as their blog to strengthen your marriage and family.
Helping Others
Dr. Gary and Barb continue to mentor leaders of CrossTrainers, marriage coaching through The Rosberg Group and supporting first responders and military couples through Impact Iowa’s Heroes and Honoring America’s Heroes.